Effective Organization of Complex Information

Kylie Wagner, a graphic design major minoring in statistics, aimed to explore not only data visualization but to tackle it within the context of the (typically poorly visually considered) scientific conference poster. To increase legibility, readability, hierarchy of information, Kylie applied effective design principles, thoughtful typography, a more efficient composition, and improved visualization of data to redesign an existing neuroscience conference poster. She then included the redesigned poster in her own symposium poster, explaining the problems, process and solutions.

Kylie presented her poser at the 2015 UGA CURO symposium on campus (Center for Undergraduate  Research Opportunities) and was then asked by the head of the Honors program to present her findings to the undergraduate honors research course the following term.

Using User Experience (UX) Research Methods to Design an Optimal Interdisciplinary Art & Design Curriculum

Julie Rodriquez used experience design research methods to re-strategize the School of Art’s graphic design program of study as a more flexible, contemporary curriculum model relevant to the dynamic nature of technology and visual communication. She  investigated and mapped optioned course(s) of study that would prepare graduates for ever-varing types of design careers through an interdisciplinary, comprehensive, broad University education with increased experiential learning.

In collecting information and data, Rodriquez utilized research methods practiced in UX design such as empathy maps, creative user personas and user narratives, conducting surveys and user interviews, and studying other competitive models.

She received a competitive CURO (Center for Undergraduate Research Opportunities) research assistantship from UGA, which provided her summer funding to work on this project under my mentorship while also receiving academic honors credit. (2015)